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Deputy Supt. General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa.
SIR, - I have the honour to submit my annual report and statistical statement for the year ended March 31, 1912.
Tribe or Nation. - All the Indians of this agency are Micmacs.
Reserve. - The Indians of this agency have two reserves. The larger reserve is at Fisher Grant, near the entrance of Pictou harbour. It has an area of 200 acres. About one-fifth of it has been cultivated. It is stony and requires much fertilizing. The other reserve is near Merigomish harbour, and consists of two islands - Island A, or Chapel island, and Island B, or Morley's island. The land here is not cultivated now and a few families live on Chapel island during the summer months only.
Population. - The present population of this agency is 156.
Health and Sanitation. - The health of the Indians in general was good. The deaths during the year in the case of adults were caused by consumption.
Occupations. - The Indians of this agency are engaged in making pit-timber, baskets, butter-tubs, pick-handles and moccasins, in farming, fishing, and occasionally, as opportunity offers, hiring as labourers.
Buildings. - The Indians have a neat church on Chapel island, and a school at Fisher Grant reserve. Most of the dwellings are frame buildings, but of small proportions.
Stock. - A few horses only are owned on the reserve.
Farm Implements. - A few ploughs, barrows, sleighs and wagons are owned by the Indians.
Characteristics and Progress. - The Indians are, as a rule, industrious and law-abiding.
Temperance and Morality. - The Indians of the county, with few exceptions, are temperate, and are of good moral character.
Your obedient servant,
Indian Agent |
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J.D. MacLeod, Indian Agent, to Robert Rogers, Superintendent of Indian Affairds, April 25th 1912, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended March 31 1912 (Ottawa: C.H. Parmelee, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1912), 74. |