Response from Department of Indian Affairs to Chief Matthew Francis' letter asking for clarification on Mi'kmaq hunting rights. See:
Ottawa, June 2, 1921
To Chief Matthew Francis
Pictou Landing
Pictou County, N.S.
Sir, -
I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, in which you state that the game warden stopped some members of your band from shooting water fowl at Caribou Island. In reply I have to state that Indians are subject to the same game laws of the province as whitemen. In this event, however, any of your Indians being prosecuted for shooting game for their immediate necessities, you might bring the matter to the notice of the Indian Agent for the locality, Rev. J.D. McLeod, New Glasgow, N.S., so that he might present the matter to the magistrate on behalf of the Indians.
Your obedient servant,
J.D. McLean
Asst. Deputy and Secretary
J.D. McLean, Secretary of Indian Affairs, to Chief Matthew Francis, June 2nd 1921, LAC, RG10, Reel C-8101, Vol. 6743, File 420-7.