1882- Report from Indian Agent McDonald
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1882- Report from Indian Agent McDonaldIn collections
Metadata (MODS) |
Titles | 1882- Report from Indian Agent McDonald: |
Name | Roderick McDonald (Indian Agent) |
Name | Sir John A. MacDonald (Superintendent General of Indian Affairs) |
Name | |
Type of Resource | text |
Genre | Letter |
URL | https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/aboriginal-heritage/first-nations/indian-affairs-annual-reports/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber= |
Abstract | Report from Indian Agent McDonald on conditions on the reserve at Fisher's Grant. |
Form | text |
Note | "PICTOU, N.S., 16th November, 1882. To The Right Honorable The Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - I send herewith my Annual Report for the year ended 30th June last. The reason why it was not sent earlier is already explained in a former letter. Tabular statement had been sent early last month; for which you acknowledged receipt, 18th October, File No. 1,266. Form E. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, RODERICK McDONALD." PICTOU, N.S., 7th November, 1882 The Right Honorable, The Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. SIR, - As I have been but a year ago appointed Government Agent for the Indians of this district, my knowledge of Indian life and character, must necessarily be yet insufficient to furnish your Department with anything more than already submitted by my predecessor. It is a difficult matter to get the Indians to understand the real object of the different Government grants in their behalf. Each one, whether in need or not, considers himself entitled to an equal share with the poorest among the tribe. The relief money of last year was found very serviceable, as many families had been in indigent circumstances, owing to the difficulty of procuring material for wok during the severe storms of last winter, wherewith to buy provisions. The Indian, as a general rule, is very improvident. Necessity with him is the most powerful agent, to induce him either to beg or to work for a livelihood. The money sent in the spring was spent judiciously in buying seed and engaging teams for ploughing and harrowing. It is necessary, under present circumstances, to engage white people to do the most of their farming, owing to the fact that they are wanting in teams and farming implements. The crop, which consists of potatoes, wheat and hay, particularly that grown on the Indian Island, is good. There is one school on this reserve taught by Miss Jollymore, a painstaking and energetic lady. Her efforts are much frustrated by the irregular attendance of the children. This irregularity arises from the wandering habits of the Indians. The school had to be closed last year, at the end or the summer term, for the want of means to keep the house warm. Permission is granted this year by the Department to equip the school-house, during the coming winter, with a stove; and thus, it is to be hoped, we will be able to have school taught the whole year. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, RODERICK McDONALD" (123-124). |
Note | Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December, 1882 (Ottawa: Dominion of Canada, 1883), 123-124. |