Annual financial report on account for "Indians of Nova Scotia." Includes information on Pictou.
"Rev. R. MacDonald, Agent, District No. 4, 12 months to June 30th 1876; paid $100.00." "Distribution for relief of distress, and for the purchase of seed grain in the following proportions: In District No. 4 [Pictou County], Relief 300.00; Seed Grain 150.00; Total 450.00."
"Miscellaneous Expenditures: Smith and McCoy, for conveyance of title of 89 acres of land purchased from W. Ives, as a reserve for the Micmacs of Pictou County, cost 10.00."
No medical expenses collected for District 4. This could mean there were no expenses, or that the Indian Agent did not submit charges. Given MacDonald's record of submitting reports, it is likely that there were no charges for medicine on the District No. 4 account.