Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) maintains the published annual reports from various Indian agencies in Canada from 1864 to 1990. Each report collected information from Department employees, such as Indian Agents, and compiled them into a comprehensive bound book. The reports contain census data, health and 'morality' reports, discussion of events and happenings in specific communities and districts, and financial information about the Department. Many of the letters printed in the reports may also appear in the correspondence files, which might result in duplication in this database.
"Province of Nova Scotia...Indians of Pictou" listed as having a populatio of 192 in 1872, and a population of 174 "when last heard from" (31). The was represented as a decrease in population by 18 persons.
Census takers in these years complained that the same people were not always present when they arrived to conduct their census work, thus resulting in different calculations. Therefore, it is likely that this decrease in population does not represent a decrease in population due to death. It is likely more indicative of seasonal travel.
Subject Hierarchical Geographic
North America--Canada----Pictou--Pictou Landing
Subject Local Name
--Census--Annual Report--Population--migration--seasonal labour