The Pictou Landing First Nation sought more land for their reserve in 1875, and the Provincial Government of Nova Scotia purchased a separate lot that was near, but not connected to the reserve, from James Sproull. As few roads existed in the area at the time, it was easier for residents of the reserve to cut across the property separating the two plots of land, which was also owned by Sproull. Sproull, in an effort to reduce 'trespassing,' proposed that an exchange of land be arranged between himself and Pictou Landing so that the two reserves would be connected. Reverend Macdonald forwarded sketches to EA Meredith (Secretary of Indian Affairs), and inquired whether or not the consent of the Indians would be required.
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Land Survey--
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Indian Reserve--
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"I speak in the interest of the Indians, who I urge on the department the propriety if not the necessity of accepting the exchange offered by Mr. James Sporull." [Note on margin] "will it be necessary to obtain consent of Indians - this land was bought for them and if not it will at least be necessary I think if time willing ... []." [Second page]: "write to the minister of Justice and request him to have the goodness to ascertain and inform the Supt Gen [] if Mr. James Sproull has clear title to the lot of land occupied by him at Fisher's Grant in the County of Pictou which lies betweem the old Indian Reserve and the parcel of woodland...purchased by the Indains of that place from Mr. [Hues]- Mr. Sproull being desrious of trading a portion of his land for part of the land purchased for the Indians."