"Getting Beyond Imagery: The Challenges of Reading Narratives about American Indian Athletes.":
Ellen Staurowsky
The International Journal of the History of Sport
Type of Resource
This article discusses a few examples of media coverage featuring Indigenous athletes at the turn of the 21st century. It uses these examples to comment on how perceptions of Indigenous people and, by extension, stereotypes about Indigenous athletes continue to affect how they are portrayed in the media. There is brief mention of NAIG, but none of the examples cover the Games.
Subject Local Name
--Sport--Recreation--North American Indigenous Games----North America--Canada--The United States of America----1900-1910--1910-1920--1920-1930--1930-1940--1940-1950--1950-1960--1960-1970--1970-1980--1980-1990--1990-2000