Intertidal Polyphonies

Kusu Island 44
Trees and grass surrounded by rocks with a camera on the right side. Ships on the ocean in the background.
Kusu Island 45
Trees, grass, and rocks to the right. Surveillance camera mounted on a stand on the shore. Ocean and ships in the background.
Kusu Island 46
Grass in the foreground, ocean in the middle ground, main island skyline in the background. Shot is framed by tree branches near the top.
Kusu Island 47
Sign stating the absence of lifeguards and that all visitors swim "at their own risk." The sign advises swimmers to not venture "beyond the rock bunds."
Kusu Island 5
Close-up of a rock barrier and sign. Main island city skyline in the background.
Kusu Island 6
Ocean with a rock barrier. Main island city skyline in the background to the left.
Kusu Island 7
Sandy shore with ocean and ships in the background.
Kusu Island 8
Sandy shore and ocean. A rock barrier and sign. The main island city skyline in the background.
Kusu Island 9
A thin tree in the foreground and buildings with green roofs and a walkway leading to them. Ships on the ocean in the background.
Kusu Island Video 1
Video of a view of the ocean and a rock barrier with a sign; the sand shore is at the bottom edge of the shot and the city skyline is visible in the background. Duration: 0:54
Kusu Island Video 2
Video of a rock barrier and sign at Kusu Island. The camera zooms in on the city skyline in the background at about 0:33. Duration: 0:54
Kusu Island Video 3
Video of waves hitting a rocky shore in Kusu Island. Duration:
Kusu Island Video 4
Video of waves coming in from the left side of the shot to hit the rock shore at Kusu Island. Ships are visible on the ocean in the background. Duration: 0:35
Kusu Island Video 5
Video showing the connection between the rock shore and the rock barrier with ships and the city skyline in the background. The shot zooms out at about 0:06. Duration: 0:19
Kusu Island Video 6
Video of the sign on the rock barrier at Kusu Island that says "DANGER STRONG CURRENTS PLEASE DO NOT SWIM HERE." Several ships and the city skyline are visible in the background. The shot zooms out at about 0:49 to provide a wider view of some large cargo ships. Duration: 1:08
Kusu Island Video 7
Video panning along the city skyline, the sign, and the large cargo ships. Duration: 0:21
Kusu Island Video 8
Video of waves coming in from the top side of the shot to hit the sand shore, on which there is a small cluster of rocks. Duration: 0:58
Kusu Island Video 9
Video looking to the side as the ferry leaves Kusu Island (left side of the shot) and returns to the main island (city skyline visible on the right side of the shot). The camera pans over to focus on the city skyline at about 0:15. Duration: 0:22
Labrador Park 1
Hazy picture of Singapore's coast. Industrial skyline.
Labrador Park 10
Ocean with industrial skyline and a small boat.