Valuation of the River for Recreation
Document gathering statistical data from the article Kulshrestha, S.N. and J.A. Gilles. “The Economic Value of the South Saskatchewan River to the City of Saskatoon II: Estimation of Recreational Use Value.” Canadian Water Resources Journal Vol. 18, No. 4 (1993): 369-383. The purpose of this document is to have easier access to information regarding Saskatoon citizen's consumption of the river and its immediate vicinity. The document was created by Harris Ford.
View from Downtown, 1907
This photo shows the downtown area of Saskatoon from across the river in Nutana in c.1907. A large number of buildings can be seen along with the general state of the west bank of the riverbank as well. The photo ID# is LH-6499. The photo is housed at the Saskatoon Public Library Local History Room and any further use or dissemination of this photo must receive permission from the Public Library.
View from Nutana, 1908
This photo was taken in 1908 from Nutana looking across the river at downtown Saskatoon. Buildings, bridges and the river are all visible from the somewhat aerial shot. The photo ID# is LH-440. The photo is housed at the Saskatoon Public Library Local History Room and any further use or dissemination of this photo must receive permission from the Public Library.
Wah Chung Lung Co. and Wing Woo Chung Co. 105 19th Street East
This photo shows the facades of two Chinese Businesses, Wah Chung Lung Co. and Wing Woo Chung Co. which were both Chinese general merchant stores located on 19th Street East in the 1920's during Saskatoon's Chinatown days. This particular photo was taken in 1925. The photo ID# is LH-4148. The photo is housed at the Saskatoon Public Library Local History Room and any further use or dissemination of this photo must receive permission from the Public Library.
West Bank of the South Saskatchewan, c.1905
This photo shows the downtown area of Saskatoon as it appeared in around 1905. The photo is taken from across the river and shows the body of water along with the state of residences along the riverbank. The photo ID# is LH-1887. The photo is housed at the Saskatoon Public Library Local History Room and any further use or dissemination of this photo must receive permission from the Public Library.
Where Was Justice? Article
A letter to the editor found on page page in the March 8, 1941 edition of The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix.
The writer discusses an event in which a German teacher was forced to leave the town of Drake and the injustice behind it.
A transcription of the article is included.
Whose Liberties Are We Defending? Article
A letter to the editor in which the writer warns the reader that democracy may fall due to the Second World War.
Located on page six of the March 15, 1941 article of The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix.
A transcription of the letter is included.
Womens March 2017
This article is about the Women's March that occurred in Saskatoon in 2017, joining in in the international women's marches in regards to Trump becoming president.
An transcription of the article is included.
Womens March 2018
This is an article which mentions that a Women's March for equal rights was held in 2018.
A transcription of the article is included.
Would Ban All Tourists Seeking Entry to Canada Article
An article from 1940 regarding that some citizens view foreign tourists as a threat, along with the idea of creating a national registry for all citizens of Canada.
Found on page five of the May 18, 1940 edition of The Saskatoon Star Phoenix.
A transcription of the article is included.