Monthly letter, Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, 1895-1896: Presbyterian Church in Canada (Western Section): [Vol. 12, no. 9]
Presbyterian Church
Type of Resource
still image
The first half of this document records the shipment of supplies, where the supplies come from and where they went. The second half of this document disuses letters from Rev. W. S. Moore and Rev. A. J. M’Leod, in these letters the two reverends talk about the supplies and what they did with them.
nonprojected graphic
Access Condition
Responsibility regarding questions of copyright that may arise in the use of any images is assumed by the researcher
Subject Hierarchical Geographic
North America--Canada------
Subject Local Name
--Mistawasis--Saskatchewan--Canada--Education--Regina Industrial School--Presbyterian Church----------Clothing--Supply--North-West--Supply--Rev. Geo. Arthur--Canada--Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society--Presbyterian Church--Regina Industrial School--Rev. A. J. McLeod--Rev. W. S. Moore--Christmas--Festival----
Access Condition
Responsibility regarding questions of copyright that may arise in the use of any images is assumed by the researcher