Prior to the Negotiations
-Description taken from "Prior to the Negotiations"-
An overall summary of Treaty #6, the hows and whys of the difference in interpretation between Indian and non-Indian, based on field interviews and historical documents.
Public Health, April, 25, 1964
Written by the Public Health Department, they present different cases of diseases that have been reported in Canada. One of these diseases is Diphtheria that a woman from the Mistawasis First Nation has contracted.
Pursuing the New Buffalo
--Description taken from "Pursuing the New Buffalo"--
This thesis examines the historical evolution of Indian higher education from tool of assimilation to instrument of empowerment. Using archival records, government reports, policy studies and interviews, it explores policy history, objectives, processes and issues as they relate to First Nations higher education programs. As times changed, so too, did public attitudes towards, the policy framework, and levels of political participation by First Nations. The thesis situates First Nations higher education policy within the context of federal policies such as assimilation and integration, the recognition of Aboriginal rights, and the struggle for Aboriginal selfgovernment. Factors that have been examined include funding programs for First Nations students, the efforts to gain recognition of higher education as an Aboriginal and treaty right, support for Aboriginal-controlled institutions and the politics surrounding government cutbacks.
The thesis finds that policies concerning First Nations higher education, such as efforts to increase access to higher learning, have evolved significantly over time. Although government programs designed to attract First Nations students to universities have resulted in increased participation rates, significant obstacles remain to making higher education relevant and in supporting the student culturally and socially. A solution promoted by First Nations is the creation of their own institutions of higher education. The study finds that there exists a fundamental policy disagreement between First Nations and federal governments over whether higher education is a treaty and Aboriginal right obtained in return for the sharing of lands. Finally, it speculates about the measures, such as recognition of higher education rights and increases to institutional capacity, that need to be implemented in order for higher education to truly be the “New Buffalo” ensuring a strong and prosperous future for First Nations.
RE Johnstone
This document debates Norman C. Johnstone. The debate is to figure out if Norman is a member of the Mistawasis community because there was no correct record. The writer of this article does this by trying to who his true mother and father are.
Regina Indian Industrial School
Correspondence between, Indian Commissioner, David Laird, and the principal of Regina Industrial school, Rev. J. A. Sinclair about the funding for maintenance and management of the school.